Tuesday 1 January 2013

Hi there!!

Hi so I'm Katy and without stating the obvious this is my blog.
Obviously a complete rookie in the blogging world I thought I would start off with an introductory post.
I'm 25 years old and currently residing in the beautiful south of England. I work full time in a nursery looking after ickle squidgy babies. I'm sure you will find out more about me in the About Me senction and as the blog continues because I generally have alot to say.
The main reason for starting this blog was after one of my bestest friends Katie has a wonderful blog on the go, completely inspired my copycat blog. I'm sure she won't mind.

So 2012 was probably one of the best years of my life, I accomplished so much and so much of this is because I put myself out there and wasn't afraid to fail or do things on my own, a very new concept for myself.
I had compiled what our American friends would call a bucket list, which consisted of places I wanted to go, people I wanted to see, things I wanted and needed to do.

Here are some things that 2012 held for me:
*I ran/walked the London Marathon, the whole 26.2 miles, a huge achievement especially as stupidly my training had been minimal (I learnt that lesson) my time was 6 hrs 5 mins and 47 seconds. In the process I raised a little over £1000 for Children with Cancer, a charity very close to my heart.

*I visited Dublin, Venice, Spain, Dubrovnik, Croatia, Dorset and London A LOT. I'm sure there are a lot more places that I have undoubtedly forgotten about.
Trying some amazing 5 star food.

*I attended two festivals, both probably considered lame in the festival Rock and Roll Standards, but for a clean/hygiene freak like myself, it was a big and slightly stinky step.
V Festival.

Shakedown, Brighton.

*I attended the gymnastics at the Olympics and went to the Olympic park. A huge and wonderful event in British history and one that I will never forget.

 *I was a bridesmaid for the first time in my 25 years of life.

I fell in love with this little fella in Monkey World, Dorset.

Coldplay gig, London


*This wasn't on the bucket list but had to be mentioned. So casually out for dinner with a friend, pretty standard; whilst I go and order our food a man goes to ask my friend how old I am. Then he leaves the pub, comes back 45 minutes later with this bunch of flowers and a note inside with his number. To say I was embarrassed, flattered, dumbstruck etc.
I made this Christmas floral arrangement at a one off evening course, but absolutely
loved it so am enrolled on a full course, will keep you posted.

Wonderful Bambi interpretation I thought, fun times ice skating.

And last but by no means least my favourite person
at Winter Wonderland, London.


So this ends my first ever blog post, I hope you enjoy reading about my adventures of 2012. The 2013 bucket list is currently being compiled and I'll shortly fill you all in on my plans.
Happy New Year Love Katy xxx


  1. Fantastic stuff- laughed out loud about the stinky step :) Of course I don't mind; I'm flattered! Looking forward to reading about all your adventures in 2013 xxx

  2. Haha thanks honey, and of course thanks for the inspiration. Xxxx
