Saturday 19 January 2013


So I may well be in the minority of people that were so excited to see the snow!
I think snow really is the most magical thing ever, driving down a country road with trees either side and snow topping them actually felt like I was in narnia!
Luckily because I work with children I can get them to share my excitement (which I did). As soon as the snow starting getting lighter we all togged up in snow suits to play!
Even more lucky was the fact we finished early so my bestie Emma and her fiancé jooky went to a nearby field and promptly made snow angels, a snow man and then went sledging!
Sledging and snow angels weren't on the bucket list, but I have never done either before so that's two more ticks! YAY
I'm hoping I can attach a video of us sledging!
Stay safe out there
Love Katy

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